
Marble.js defines a common interface for many different kinds Effects. As you probably know, @marblejs/core defines a HttpEffect type for dealing with HTTP request streams. In case of @marblejs/websockets, the module defines a WsEffect which works within WebSocket protocol and deals with streams of Events.

Hello, world!

Lets start with typical hello world example. The very basic implementation of WebSocket Effect can look like in the code snipped below.

export const hello$: WsEffect = event$ =>
    mapTo({ type: 'HELLO', payload: 'Hello, world!' }),

Like any other Effect, it is just a function which returns a stream of outgoing events. As we previously mentioned, in case of WebSocket protocol, we have to deal with Events instead of requests.

The Effect above responds to HELLO events with Hello, world! message. In case of default WsEffect interface, each incoming event has to be mapped to an outgoing event which is just an object with type and payload attributes.


Lets do some cool math! In the next example we will try to build a very basic calculator using only streams! For the example purpose we will only need two Effects: the first that will match ADD events and the second that will match SUM events.

import { use, matchEvent } from '@marblejs/core';
import { WsEffect } from '@marblejs/websockets';
import { t, eventValidator$ } from '@marblejs/middleware-io';
import { buffer, map } from 'rxjs/operators';

export const sum$: WsEffect = event$ =>

export const add$: WsEffect = (event$, ...args) =>
    buffer(sum$(event$, ...args)),
    map(events => events.reduce((a, e) => e.payload + a, 0)),
    map(payload => ({ type: 'SUM_RESULT', payload })),

As you can see, the WebSocket protocol is an ideal place for dealing with reactive streams, especially in Marble.js. In the example above we did a little bit of RxJS magic using buffer operator, which buffers the source Observable values until closing notifier emits (in this case sum$). Additionaly to be sure that incoming ADD events are sent with payload of type number, we used @marblejs/middleware-io validator, which is able to infer payload type from defined schema.

// #1 sent to server
  "type": "ADD",
  "payload": 7

// #2 sent to server
  "type": "ADD",
  "payload": 3

// #3 sent to server
  "type": "ADD",
  "payload": 1

// #4 sent to server
  "type": "SUM",

// #5 response from server
  "type": "SUM_RESULT",
  "payload": 11

Cool, right?! 😎 Don't forget to include the add$ Effect in webSocketListener.

import { webSocketListener } from '@marblejs/websockets';
import { add$ } from './calculator.effect';

export const webSocketServer = webSocketListener({
  effects: [add$],

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